Rashmi Agarwal is a volunteer with SHARAN. Her vegan journey started 7 years back when she attended a retreat and learnt how badly cows are treated for the dairy that we consume. Already a vegetarian by birth it wasn’t that difficult for her to turn vegan, but she did miss her yoghurt.
She was so inspired and amazed by the role of food in the health of the body and mind that she started reading more about it. 4 years down the line she started her vegan venture in Dubai, UAE. Her burning desire is to start offering yummy plant-based yoghurt at a reasonable price to all consumers in UAE.
Rashmi is a firm believer in the benefits of a whole food plant-based (WFPB) diet as she was able to recover fully from her own near-fatal accident. She was not only able to recover physically but she also didn’t suffer emotionally. That’s when she realised that WFPB nutrition can even help to overcome mental suffering.
Rashmi’s faith in plant-based nutrition was reinforced when her brother, who was a heavy consumer of dairy, got cured of diabetes after following a plant-based diet.
She now wants to spread awareness about how a WFPB diet can really cure people.