“I was detected as pre-diabetic in 2007. As per my doctor’s advice I started burning calories. Things were okay till Nov 2015 when we went on an Andamans Tour. There I lost my brand new mobile. This and other tensions at office resulted in a spike in my sugar levels. My fasting and PP sugars were 190 and 290, with HbA1c 10.9 and urine sugar 2++. I was immediately put on medication of 4 tablets – 2 for diabetes, one for BP and one for lipids.
A month later, by mid December 2015, the results were just the same. My dose was doubled with an additional tablet before lunch. From 1st January 16, I started exercise, brisk walking after every meal etc. I could manage the numbers to the required levels of 88 and 97 (F and PP). My physician was happy with me and reduced the before-lunch tablet by the last week of Jan 16. Meanwhile I started feeling hungry immediately after meals.
I saw some of SHARAN’s YouTube videos including ‘Health in your Hands – at Ahmedabad’. I started High Intensive Interval Training (HIIT) exercise, vegan diet, organic and whole foods, green smoothies, oil-free cooking, salads. In a period of 2 months, I reduced by 5 inches and about 18-20 Kg! My HbA1c has come down from 10.9 to 5.5! Right now, I have stopped all medicines!
I along with my wife Jyoti are “SHARAN” to you and would like to contribute to “SHARAN” as volunteers.” – Jayant Kirpekar, Pune.